£6k Cost for the Visit of King Charles to Colchester

Tuesday 4th April, 2023

In Complete Non-Story News: Colchester City Council spent just under six grand to arrange the visit of King Charles and the Queen Consort last month.

Other commitments (couldn’t be arsed) kept The Chronic away. But we have to admit that £5,928.50 sounds like rather good value for money considering all the PR the event generated.

Our Freedom of Information Request asked:

“Please tell me how much the City Council spent to facilitate the visit of King Charles III on 7th March, 2023.

I would like to see an itemised account breaking down the cost for security, policing, road closure measures, hospitality, staffing, hiring of venues, administration, professional services (photography etc) and any other areas where the City Council spent funds to support the visit.

Please also tell me which Council budgets any expenses came out of.”

Here’s what came back:

“The additional costs incurred by Colchester City Council, in relation to the visit by Their Majesties were as follows:

Refreshments for pre-visit by Palace officials – £65.00

Pedestrian barriers for the High Street – £1,500

First Aid for the public – £858.40

Photography – £300

Name badges – £54.97

Hand waving flags – £167.99

Parking Restriction costs – £2,450

Catering for the event – £387.90

Gifts – £74.24

Posy for The Queen Consort – £70.00

Total cost £5,928.50

Please note that these costs were charged to the budget held for the Civic Office and Events.”

Which all sounds fair enough. We’d love to know what the cheap as chips £74 gift was. The posy for the Queen Consort priced at £70 probably made her day.

Nothing to see here.

GAWD BLESS the… etc.


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